Thursday, January 7, 2010

Great Corporate Values

Obviously I don't know how real this is inside the company, but I share most of the thoughts that Tim O'Reilly managed to collect in this "Rules of Thumb" piece of work.

I think there are a couple of themes running inside this "Corporate Culture Manifesto" that seems to make that much sense:
  • Maximum profitability might be sacrificed to the development of employee potential.
  • My worst fear is that we would become a "professionally managed" company with our eye only on the bottom line.
  • A key point to remember is that the company is a means, not an end.
  • Each of your co-workers, our customers, our suppliers, and anyone else you deal with is a person, just like you.
  • Bring yourself to your work!
Also, I've been reading (and I highly recommend you to do it too) this amazing presentation from Netflix corporate values. There are some really good points also.

Hope this helps to inspire those managers around here

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