Monday, January 12, 2009

Interesting Article: Work on Stuff that Matters

I've just saw this very interesting article from Tim O'Reilly about what individuals as much as companies should focus on when trying to run their own businesses. I share most of his thoughts so I decided to share it with you. Hope you like it too.

See'ya soon

1 comment:

Rodrigo J. Segura said...

That really was an interesting article, and I also share almost every idea the author wrote. I've never thought about our economy as a big Ponzi scheme before, but he is right. Our retirement system, for example, where they give many coming from new participants to the older: just like a Ponzi scheme!. When they run out of new participants, they must grab (or maybe steal?) money from another place, like the smart people like me ( :) ) who where in an AFJP to have the wheel keep spinning. But, what happens when they run out of money as well? We all crack and pay for the broken dishes.
I have another examples, but my English class has already finished.